Tidal Health Solutions Ltd
New Category | Investment in Private Company |
Investment Manager | Tidal Health Solutions |
Fund Status | |
Archive | Yes |
Custodian | N/A |
Jurisdiction | Canada |
T1135 Reporting | No T1135 |
Currency | CDN |
Tax Slip | Applicable T Slip |
Receiver of Tax Receipt |
Tax Slips Expected |
Statements Expected |
Quarterly |
Accounting Treatment |
Record accrued interest income (but verify if should take a provision due to collectability issues). * Tidal Health bankrupted, debenture investors should have received final distribution around Oct 2021, record it as repayment of the loan. The remaining balance of the loan receivable needs to be written off. |
Tax Memo/ Tax Treatment |
Per T Slip |
US Tax Return Required | No |
Type | Corporation |
Nature of Investment |
Cannabis company. 8% interest, annual compounding. Maturity 18 months after issuance but maturity has been extended by 6 months. Liquidity issues – Interest not expected to be received |
Notes |
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