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Gluskin, Sheff & Associates (various strategies: some LPs and some Trusts)

New Category LP & Domestic
Investment Manager Gluskin Sheff
Archive No
Custodian Gluskin Sheff or RBC Investor Services
Jurisdiction Canada
T1135 Reporting No T1135
Currency CDN
Tax Slip T Slips (T3/T5/T5013)- Contact Gluskin Sheff for Tax Summary (income, investment fees, cash ledger)
Please note realized gain/loss reports will also need to be requested in order to ensure all transactions are captured. T slips provide data at the fund level but if a client triggers a sale or purchase it would not be captured in the T slip
of Tax Receipt
RFO / Client
If Slip Not Received
Who to Contact
Tax Slips Expected
Date of Receipt
Statements Expected
Date of Receipt
Per T Slip. Depending on the funds. If it is a broker account you would put the income to deferred and then reclassify at the end of the year once T3 is received. If it is a partnership you decrease the investment and then reclassify per the T5013 or tax package provided at the end of the year.
Tax Memo/
Tax Treatment
Per T Slip
US Tax Return Required No
Type Pooled or Segregated Funds or LP
of Investment
Multiple investment strategies