Digital-Plus Buffer Note Linked to SPX (S&P 500 Index)
New Category | Investment in Private Company |
Investment Manager | Digital-Plus |
Fund Status | |
Archive | Yes |
Custodian | Citi Bank Canada |
Jurisdiction | USA |
T1135 Reporting | Yes Section: Category 3 - Indebtedness owed by a non-resident |
Currency | USD |
Tax Slip | Per Citi Bank statement |
Receiver of Tax Receipt |
Tax Slips Expected |
Statements Expected |
Monthly |
Accounting Treatment |
This was fully redeemed in March 2015. The treatment is a capital gain of the amount received. |
Tax Memo/ Tax Treatment |
This was fully redeemed in March 2015. The treatment is a capital gain of the amount received. Ensure the proper foreign exchange is applied to the capital gain |
US Tax Return Required | No |
Type | S&P Note |
Nature of Investment |
Linked to SPX (S&P 500 Index) |
Notes |
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